Sunday, October 05, 2008

Knitting Marathon at my place

Some friends and I have started up a monthly knitting group at my place - fun! I anticipated it would run for a few hours over lunch but yesterday it stretched into a 11-hour knitathon (6 of which we spent watching Pride and Prejudice). There are 3 experienced knitters in the group and 2 complete (left-handed!) newbies. Messicat has a way to go but Saxra took to knitting like a fish to water, most impressive.

My husband and Camee's boyf were very understanding and made us all pizza for dinner as we knit. Lovely reversal of gender roles there, and lots of jokes about needing to restore testosterone in the house. So after dinner we let them pick the movie - Hot Fuzz which is always a great action/laugh.

Knitting for so long with company was great, I got through a large chunk of my triangular shawl which I want to finish so that I can wear it in this spring weather. It's pretty boring to knit at this point (incredibly long rows) so it's just a matter of pressing on.

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