Last day of the holidays. I shouldn't be sad, there are lots of great things happening at work. But still, it's quite nice wake up whenever you want and do whatever you want. Lots of reading and knitting and shopping and mooching and I even managed to get a bunch of chores out of the way so I feel pretty satisfied.
The first cable glove is done bar the seaming, I am very pleased with how it came out and doing the thumb wasn't as scary as I anticipated. The blanket is also proceeding apace, I have worked out how the pattern grows which means I can work out where the yo's etc go without counting every single stitch.
Someone lent me the first two Twilight books which are definitely interfering with my knitting time. I've read them once before but from memory I was unimpressed with the second book and never bothered reading the rest of the series. Now it's such a big fuss with the movie and all that I thought I would give them another shot. The first was as good as I remembered, much better than the movie which doesn't quite convey Bella's acerbic and amusing narrative style. Just starting New Moon. The annoying thing will then be whether I can wait on the reserve list for Eclipse at the library...or cave and spend $20 on the book instead of the yummy Malabrigo yarn I have been virtuously resisting. This budgeting/saving business is hard.