Saturday, January 01, 2011

In which a New Year commences

When the New Year comes around some retrospection is usually in order. Since this is a knitting blog that's what I'll focus on! I'm looking at my Ravelry project page and this is what struck me:

  • Socks. In 2010 I learned to knit socks, and I love them. Can't wait to knit more.
  • Lace. I participated in the 10 lace items in 2010 challenge. I managed 6 with a 7th almost complete and an 8th on the needles.
  • Sock yarn. Look at my Ravelry stash page and you may notice I have a wee addiction to locally purchased, hand-dyed sock yarn. Clearly I need to knit more socks. And gloves, and scarves and shawlettes.
  • Spinning. In 2010 I aquired a wheel and got the basics down.
So what's ahead for 2011?
  • More socks. I am going to knit Moonchild and hopefully enter them in the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
  • More lace. I want to knit something in laceweight (2ply) yarn which will be a first.
  • More spinning. I'd like to learn some more technique and knit something from my handspun.
  • Something new - overcoming my fear of knitting fitted garments. I have just ordered the yarn for a scrummy jumper.
  • Knit from stash. I just fell down and bought jumper yarn and (of course) some sock yarn with my Christmas money. But that's it. I have 2 crates of yarn and one of fibre. I can't get any more unless some leaves - by being knitted or by being sold.
On a more general note...

It's fair to say that 2010 was not the easiest of years for Hubster and I, so I look forward to 2011 with hope. Hope that Hubster will find a satisfying and rewarding job, hope that my health helps me rather than hinders me. I have a lot of hope for work - after spending much of 2010 in a holding pattern, changes in my team and the business' leadership have put lots of exciting projects and opportunities on the horizon. There is a lot to look forward to.


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